Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weekly project meeting notes & ideas

talk to Dan tonight about:

emerging idea.... its a collection of small games, held together with a visual style.
navigating all the games... the traditional game style is you unlock the next level... we could present a map ... click on an element and you go to that game. we could think about a centralizing motif that hold all the small games together?
animals around a - waterhole ? Something much more designy? A large coloured pie chart - click on a pie wedge to play that game?

visual styles
full illustration vs vector vs hand drawn

visual styles must be about marketing...
adults perception of innocence - adults buy the apps.
build something we can redo with North American animals, then Latin American animals, etc

The games
We should define our audience pretty soon... it will have a huge impact on what sort of games we design. Especially the age!
These sketches include a flip the card game, a catch the falling drop bear game, a 'make your way through a maze' game, a drag the correct animal onto the random food source game...
Could also have a 'what animal makes this noise?' game (kookaburras, thumping kangaroos)

General features

turn the internet off.
further links out of the game (links to teachers resources? links to animal specific australian museum pages)

some other story ideas:
choose your own adventure - story book style
aboriginal story
acunet app

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