Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17 meeting recap

Meeting recap:

Dan and Dan still up for continuing project. yay!

D2 happy with the evolving, more detailed visual style. yay!

4 games to launch with:

Alphabet and animals game
Flip cards
the Animals in their habitat game
The counting game - can you find two tiny turtles? Three leaping lizards? etc....

Next week (Design Production week - yay!) should roughly look like this:

Monday: full day - wireframe pencil drawings, and notes on game mechanics

Tuesday: full day drawing - Tuesday night, skype talk. Desirable outcomes would be that D1 knows the dimensions to cut assets to, perhaps we talk further about x-code.

Wednesday - half a day getting D2 the assets, half a day drawing/refining screens from feedback last night

Thursday - drawing all day

Friday - drawing and blog project update.

Following Monday - cutting assets for delivery

Following Tuesday - Skype 'where are we at' talk.

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