Thursday, February 24, 2011

The techniques for getting the Illustraions right

1. Goto Illustrator, new page, place an artwork or two, save the file.

2. Create the illustration. Use the BLOB BRUSH!! Not the standard brush :) Or you will be sorrrrry...

Alternatives: a. choose the 5pt oval, 1pt stroke (no fill) for a line that automatically seems to have different weights (and hang the pressure sensitive potential of the pen!)
b. Use the pen and dick around trying to get a responsive brush that shows different pen weights. You could research more here to get better at this with the aim of SAVING the brushes so you don't fluff around so much next time.

2a. make sure that as you go, you keep a copy of the line work as blob brush without the make-paint-object quality, and put this on top of any paint work. Lock it.

3. delete the template file

4. Save a back up.

5. copy the layers, making sure everything is unlocked and selcted. This will remain an untouched master file.

6. In Photoshop, go paste, choose to paste as smart object.

7. When you want to edit the smart object click the icon on the layer. This will bring up a new Illo file - NOT your master file. Edit that. Save.

8. Go back to PS. File will update in a few seconds.


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